Important Rabbit Health Tips

Please note that we are not vets or doctors so you should always seek professional advice when your bunny shows any signs of being poorly or behaving differently.  Here are some links to some fantastic people who really know their bunnies and have a lot of great experience to share:-

The above links are the opinion of the people who run these websites.  They are truly fantastic, knowledgable people who have kindly shared their vast expertise online but we at Bobby's cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of the content and advice at any given time.

Other Important Facts

  • Always keep a close eye on your bunny's health.  Rabbits are sensitive creatures and can go downhill quickly if they feel under the weather.  As they are prey animals, they are very good at hiding their ailments because, in a natural environment, a sick bunny would be the easiest target for a predator.  The minute your bunny shows signs of discomfort, pain or loss of appetite, seek a vet's advice as soon as possible.
  • Myxomatosis, VHD and the new strain RVHD2 are serious threats to your bunnies and they really should be vaccinated as soon as possible, especially in areas where diseases are particularly prevalent.  Some vets advocate annual boosters but please research carefully which and how many jabs your bubbies might need after the initial dose.
  • Rabbits have a very complicated digestion system which is very easily upset.  They need to eat very regularly.  If things get clogged up, it can be very serious indeed.  If your rabbit is not eating, get him to a vet immediately.
  • Bunnies need space and enough height to jump [binky].  For a standard sized breed, a hutch should be at least 6' x 2' x 2' with, ideally a good sized, secure run to so they can run, play and binky safely.  Larger bunnies and giant breeds will require more space.  
  • Many hutches on the market are simply not big enough and some are very insecure with just a little wooden heart to 'lock' it which is easy pickings for foxes and other predators.  Chicken wire will not keep your bunnies safe either.  You will need barrel bolts and steel mesh.  Runs with no bottom are not safe as foxes can dig under.  A fox can leap over a six foot fence so any rabbit running free should be closely supervised.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I feed my rabbit?  A bunny's diet should consist of mainly good quality hay, about 80-85%, 10% fresh vegetables and 5% dry pellets.  Rabbits do enjoy carrots but carrots have high sugar content so should only be given as treats; i.e. a small piece a couple of times per week.  Carrots to a rabbit are like to sweets to a child and should be limited.

Is there a recommended breeder?

Rabbit rescues are full of rabbits that need a forever home.  Please do check with your local rescue before buying rabbits from breeders.  We have had the pleasure of the company of the most amazing, funny, intelligent, loving bunnies that became 'unwanted' by somebody else.

How long does a rabbit live?  A well-looked after rabbit can live for 12 or more years so you need to budget and prepare to look after him or her for that long.  Dennis came to us as a rescue bunny aged "about two" and he was still going strong 11 years later. 

What is the best place to buy a rabbit? As we mentioned above, we advise against buying rabbits from pet shops or breeders before first checking your local animal shelter where you are likely to find  wonderful bunnies of all ages and breeds that are in desperate need of a loving, forever home.

Are rabbits good "starter" pets for children?  The decision to get pet rabbits for children is one that needs careful thought.  Rabbits require constant care, secure housing, regular exercise and stimulation and annual vet visits - so they need a responsible adult to love and care for them and ensure that the child is not going to lose interest.

Can rabbits live in the house?  Oh yes!  Rabbits make fantastic house companions and are very easy to litter train.  Allowing bunnies to share your home will show you just how interesting they are and what fun things they do when they are not shut up in a hutch all day.   Please make sure your home is bunny proof first though.  They will chew furniture, carpets and especially electric cables as they think they are vines - so you have to make them safe before allowing your bunnies to run free without supervision....this is to protect your property but, more importantly, to keep your bunny safe.

Do rabbits need to live in pairs?  The Rabbit Welfare Association advocate bunnies living in bonded pairs or small groups otherwise they will get lonely and bored.  Some bunnies do prefer to live alone as long as they have plenty of close contact with their human.  Warning!  Please be aware that bonding bunnies can be dangerous and rabbits can do each other a great deal of harm if they don't get on.  A new pair will require close monitoring and supervision.  Once you see them lying alongside each other, that is often a sign that they are safely bonded but please do get expert advice before leaving two bunnies together.  If you have an aggressive bunny, it may be better left solo but do get him or her a soft furry toy friend for company.

The above information is our opinion, drawn from years of experience rescuing and caring for rabbits.  At the first sign of illness, you should always get your pet to a qualified vet as soon as possible.

Thank you for reading these rabbit tips.

More facts will follow soon!  Please feel free to contact us with your questions or share with us any tips and facts of your own.

Bobby's Bunny Boarding, Hayling Island, Hampshire
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