Single Occupancy

Rabbits & Guinea Pigs      

£10.50 per night

Gerbil, hamster, mouse in own cage

£7 per night

Parrot/cockatiel in own cage

£12 per night

Other small animals

Please contact us

for quote

Minimum charge applies

3 nights or £30 minimum

A transferrable deposit of £25 applies in order to secure your booking.

Prices include

  • fresh vegetables, fruit and hay.

  • We recommend you bring your pet's own favourite dry food.

  • Minimum Charge: £30 or three nights.

  • Deposits are non-refundable but can be transferred to future bookings.

  • Flexible Check In and Check Out times

  • Prices are per night stayed; we do not charge for check-out day.

Bonded Pairs

Two Rabbits or Piggies Sharing

£12.50 per night

Pair of piggies indoors, own cage


Pond & Fish Care

Please contact us for quote

One or two rats in own cage

£12 per night

Three or more rats

Please contact us for quote

Two budgies/canaries in

own cage

£8.50 per night

Bobby's Bunny Boarding, Hayling Island, Hampshire
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