Two levels of Hutch Hugger and Hutch Snuggle weather protection
Taking good care of your small pets

Secure, grassy runs with hide-away

Here's Dewie in the hidey hole rabbit kennel within the run
Natural habitat to explore
Indoor accommodation available for house rabbits; subject to availability.

Lots to explore
Indoor accommodation for rabbits, rats, birds, hamsters and guinea pigs.

A classic bunny flop from a relaxed guest. House bunnies can be accommodated in our peaceful, rabbit-safe home.
Protection from rain, cold and sun.
One of our rescue residents, Dewie, enjoying supervised time outside
Here is Dennis being "Super Bunny"

Tranquil setting in Hampshire for all your pet boarding needs

Yes, I like it here :-)

Collection and Drop Off service, an optional extra

Lots of TLC

Toilets all lined up and sterilised with Safe 4
Lovely, tranquil surroundings

I am hiding